
Cooking with Chefs Toolbox

I have recently become a Chefs Toolbox consultant. I was introduced to Chefs Toolbox quite randomly through my AustraliaPost parcel delivery lady! I love the quality and flexibility of the products. Below are a few examples (I will add to them as time goes by).

Here is the Chefs Toolbox home page. I will add my personal consultant page when it is ready.

One of my favourite products is the Como square roaster (cookware range), similar to the 28cm saute pan except that it is a little larger, and square instead of round. Instead of just showing off the product during a party, at Chefs Toolbox we conduct a MasterClass. The first one I learnt was the family favourites (stove-top pizza and sticky date pudding).

This pizza is so simple to make that even a 4.5year old can make it! Last night my daughter and I made a stove top pizza - she mixed the dough all by herself, and I helped her spread it in the pan, then we topped it together. Here is a during photo, and a finished product photo!

Better still, the quality non-stick surface just wipes clean while warm. No extra bowls for mixing, no messy bench top kneading, and a simple wipe up for cleaning - does it get any better than this?!

(Just in case you were wondering - the topping on this pizza was sliced up leftover sausages from the night before, with the left half of the base tomato sauce, and the right half BBQ.)

Keep posted for more updates!
And if you're in the Illawarra area and would like to host a party, please email me:

Stove top Cake
Stove top Scones
One pot mince pasta bake

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