
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rainbow Beanie & Cooler

Well I know I haven't been around much lately, but I have some time for a bit of a catch up, so here we go!

Firstly, I've started crocheting some coolers, which are in the ICAN@7 Gallery. Lovely Courtney from the Red Kitchen made a request - she wanted a rainbow cooler, with a matching beanie. So this is what I came up with:

Don't you just LOVE the texture of the beanie and the cooler?!

I've done a puff stitch, and spiraled the 6 colours around (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple). The puff stitch I used is: 4xTR in stitch, remove loop from hook, insert hook at beginning of 1st st, pick loop back up and pull through. I started both with a magic ring, with 2 TR of each colour (ie 12TR in the magic ring). By the way, the coolers are made for the 'girly' drinks, like Cruizers, which are smaller than a standard can.

Oh, and here's a 'in progress' shot of the cooler:

Notice that I am working with all colours at once? Center pull yarns are great for this - stand all your yarns together in a basket, so all the "center pulls" are free to come out the top.

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